I have been a dad for 6 years now, so I'm still learning. In dadland, I realised I underestimated how I will feel in situations. So I have learnt not to be legalistic but rather be flexible.
Since last year, I decided among other things that anytime I wake them up in the morning, or pick my kids up from school, I will meet them with a smile. And before you continue reading, know that I don't have a smiling face. I have one of those faces that is serious looking by default. Constructing a smile is work.
I imagined it was going to lift them up and make them happy to see me. What I didn't think was how it lifted their confidence and boosted their moral. And I see that just the fact that I'm happy with them, they believe they can conquer the world. It's actually showing in their school performance and general character. I realised they react to my emotions. They pick up signals really quick.
The bible say, "The joy of the Lord (owner) is my strength". So when God is happy with me, then I'm strengthened. Like a child in the presence of her happy father, she feels secured, empowered and protected.
I have been thinking lately of things that strengthen me when I feel stretched and tired. And I found Nehemiah 8:10 taking a whole new meaning in me. My children feel like heaven anytime we are playing together. I realised my smile is very powerful and can shape their whole day.
God is happy with you. He loves you very much. He's not waiting for you to make a mistake so He can punish you. He want's you to know he's cheering for you every single day of your life. In good times and also the bad times. Your trials and mistakes is not an indication that God is not with you. He's not impressed or surprised by your faults.
Jesus said "without me you can do nothing". Connect to Jesus. He loves and cares for you. There's nothing a good father or mother won't do for their kids. Same with Jesus, and even more. Because he desires a relationship with His children, He died for you to remove every obstacle. Call on Jesus right now and begin a wonderful walk with your heavenly father. He cares for you.
Like a little girl who gets a smile from daddy and it changes her world. God is smiling on you. So move forward with your purpose and dreams. Though you might weep today, but you'll get there.
God's got your back big time. I love Kirk Franklin's song called Smile. We don't smile because we are being positive or overlooking our situation. We smile because God is on our side. As long as we get busy with our life's work, he will bless it.
Nehemiah 8:10b (NIV)
This day is holy to our Lord. Do not grieve, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.”
Remember, God is smiling on you. So smile back.
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