I keep asking myself. Why where lions and bears attacking David in the fields while he was shepherding the sheep at his young age?
Imagine, with all the other shepherds in Bethlehem, David was the one who had to deal with lions and bears. The other shepherds might even call him "bad-luck" or something on that line. He might be asking himself, "why me, of all the shepherds in Bethlehem, why is it that I have to fight lions". Remember he was only a teenage boy. Sometimes it's annoying to realize that in your circle of friends, family or colleagues, you have a problem that can make you seem ungodly, a sinner or even an unfortunate human being.
Was God training him for goliath with dangerous animals?
We read further how the whole nation of Israel is faced with a Goliath (big) problem and everyone is afraid and hiding. And it gets to a point where its only a 16/17 year old boy who has some balls to stand up to this guy (Goliath). Imagine a teenager solving a national problem. Like a teenager who has an answer to our current economic crisis that actually works. That'll be huge, right?
David felt ready because;
1. he trusted God.
2. he had become an expert in taking out dangerous lions and bears.
3. He couldn't imagine God's army been defiled. He understood the nature of God.
Which teenager have you ever heard fight lions or bears? These are wild animals you don't mess around with. But David somehow had an urge to fight them. What is that problem in your life that you have an urge to solve? That problem that seems to happen to only you or you seem to be the only one who spots it?
David didn't accept his supposed fate of letting lions and bears take his sheep and goats. What have you allowed your enemies or circumstances to take from you again and again and again?
There is a fight in you. So fight back
Maybe your fight is to raise your kids whiles working 2 jobs, or dealing with a loss, working with folks you don't like, or even just about every situation that makes your mouth shake with fury or cry in agony.
You might be fighting some lion and bear situations in your life and you want to give up. Maybe you have even lost some battles. But be strong my brother and sister. Look ahead. God is not wicked, He is only preparing you for victory.
It will be presumptuous to explain in simple terms human pain and suffering. But sometimes I am thankful I had to go through some stuff and overcome a few. Because it definitely prepared me for the next battles and the next and the next. Sometimes the answers to our prayers is God's supposed silence or a plain no or even worse, close pals turning around on you in times of need.
He said he will be with me when I go through the fire and the storms. At the time of darkness, we don't even feel loved by our spouse, close family or friends, how then can we feel God's presence. It's tough! But he said he is with us. God never lies. It reminds me of the 3 Hebrew boys who where cast into the fiery furnace of Babylon. At that moment they didn't see the fourth person, it was the people watching them burn who saw the fourth person. Sometimes its like that in our lives. Everyone sees God's hand in our lives whiles we ourselves don't. At the time, it doesn't remotely seem God is there.
Can you imagine David having to fight Goliath without first fighting the lions and bears? Your victory is linked to your struggles. So I pray Lord, help us to develop an over-comers attitude.
In school you get a lesson then a test. But in life you get a test then a lesson.
No pain no gain.
Take the negative positively.
You have been positioned for certain challenges in life.
So the next time you go like "why me", think "why not me".
I recommend crying, wailing and allowing grief but after some point don't stay there. Get back up again. I'm learning not to be afraid of failure or falling, I somehow embrace it as part of my humanness. Me alone, I'm limited and frail, but with God I can do all things.
Are you a victim or a victor?
God Bless His Word. AMEN!!!
Berima Amo
Lead Pastor
God Center International Church
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
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